PEORIA, Ill. — It’s a sure sign spring is on the way. Peoria’s city-wide yard waste collection will begin again Monday, March 13.
The city reminds everyone that yard waste materials include grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, and brush.
Limbs and sticks can be bundled, but must be less than five feet long and weigh less than 50 pounds.
For unbundled materials, residents are encouraged to use their own containers. City of Peoria carts should only be used for recycling and garbage.
The city suggests using plastic or metal cans between 40 and 45 gallons in size, with two handles, and a tight-fitting lid. Wheeled carts that are either 65 or 95 gallons are also acceptable.
Yard waste containers or carts should be labeled with “Yard Waste Only” stickers, which are available at Peoria City Hall, Public Works, or any GFL location.
Peoria’s yard waste collection runs through December 8. To learn more, click HERE.